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Försäkringar när du reser i tjänsten

Här får du reda på vad som gäller med försäkringar, när du reser i tjänsten. Genvägar:När du reser i tjänstenKammarkollegiets tjänstereseförsäkringAtt tänka på när du reser i tjänstenBehöver du hjälp under din tjänsteresa?Kammarkollegiets reseförsäkringUtomlands en längre periodKompletterande reseförsäkringNär du reser i tjänstenNär du som anställd reser i tjänsten omfattas du av Kammarkollegiets - 2025-02-12


Jan Olsson Redaktör E-post: jan [dot] olsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: 046-222 94 79 Minna Wallén-Widung Journalist E-post: minna [dot] wallen-widung [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: 046-222 82 01 Petra Francke Journalist och layout E-post: petra [dot] francke [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: 046-222 03 16 Åsa Hansdotter Åsa Hansdotter E-post: asa [dot - 2025-02-12

Research and collaboration at the Department of Informatics

Our research The research at the department focuses broadly on digital transformation and includes both the process of this transformation and its impact on users and society. Some of the specific topics of research are: decision automation and decision support systems, green and sustainable information systems and smart cities, artificial intelligence and human-AI hybrids, information security an - 2025-02-12

Contact the Department of Informatics

All staff Contact details to all staff at the Department of Informatics Christmas opening hours The department is closed for visitors between December 21st – January 6th.  Visit us Visiting address Holger Crafoord Centre 2, floor 2, Ole Römers väg 6, 223 63 LundPostal address Box 7080220 07 LundService point 38Phone 046-222 80 19 Our teachers Contact details to all teachers at the Department of In - 2025-02-12

About the Department of Statistics

Welcome to the Department of Statistics at Lund University – home to the art and science of learning from data. Our roots trace back to 1889 when Professor of Political Science and Statistics pioneered the statistical program, we proudly hold the distinction of being one of the oldest statistics departments globally. The program was formalized it into a regular subject in 1918, and, in 1929, it fu - 2025-02-12

Study Statistics

Statistics is included in several educational programmes either as a compulsory or an optional subject. You can also take a number of single subject courses in statistics. The department offers courses at all levels, both basic and advanced. There is also a PhD programme in statistics.Courses in statisticsCourse packages in statisticsDoctoral studiesStudy guidanceExam schedule - Spring 2025 What i - 2025-02-12


New student at LUSEM? Congratulations! Find practical information for your studies at our 'New student' page. Welcome to your future! With us at LUSEM, you can find your education in Business Administration, Business Law, Economic History, Economics, Informatics and Statistics. Study  Interested in studies?Application and admissionBachelor's programmesMaster's programmesCoursesInternational opport - 2025-02-12

Doctoral studies at the Department of Statistics

Pursuing a doctoral degree in statistics presents an opportunity to gain comprehensive expertise and engage in research on modern and advanced methods of statistical analysis. This academic journey is characterized by personalized mentorship from distinguished scholars, ensuring a tailored educational experience. The curriculum frequently involves collaborative efforts with other departments withi - 2025-02-12

Research at the Department of Statistics

The Department of Statistics conducts cutting-edge research across multiple domains of modern statistics, data science, and probability theory. The research efforts are dedicated to advancing the theoretical foundations of these disciplines and their practical applications in diverse fields such as economics, biomedical sciences, Earth sciences, and engineering. In recent recruitment initiatives, - 2025-02-12

Search for specific materials and data

Here you will find where you can go to find a specific reference, where to find financial data or annual reports etc. FAQ Guides in searching and finding economic data and literature Books and course literature LUBcat - the Library CatalogueSearch for books in our library catalogue LUBcat, which is the common catalogue for all libraries at Lund University. Here you can see at which library the boo - 2025-02-12

International opportunities

For incoming exchange students Studies abroad – for LUSEM students Other opportunities - for LUSEM students For partner universities International Office at LUSEM  For incoming exchange studentsAs a student at one of LUSEM’s partner universities you have the opportunity to spend one week, one semester or one year at our institution. Take the chance to discover LUSEM, Lund and Sweden.For Incoming e - 2025-02-12

Studies abroad – International opportunities for LUSEM students

Lund is just the starting point. As a student at LUSEM, you have plenty of opportunities to go abroad during your studies. Take the chance to gain international experience by spending a summer, or a whole semester, at one of LUSEM's partner universities. Exchange studiesTuition-based mobility programmesInternational Master ClassDouble degreeSummer exchangeLUSEM's partner universities often have se - 2025-02-12

Find your destination

For LUSEM students searching for international opportunities Browse our search tool to see which partner universities are available to your programme. You can filter your options by country, subject area, period, and mobility type. Find your destination - SoleMOVELUSEM guidelines Your home unit – choose “School of Economics and Management (LUSEM)” Tag – choose your programme for semester exchange - 2025-02-12

Key dates and deadlines – international opportunities for LUSEM students

The School of Economics and Management and Lund University have many different deadlines when applying for international opportunities depending on which programme you would like to apply to. Mobility for Bachelor's studentsMobility for Master's studentsMobility during the summerExchange semester for Bachelor's studentsMain application round: 28 October–15 November 2024Please note: This applicatio - 2025-02-12

Exchange studies for LUSEM students

Everything you need to know about exchange studies Going abroad as an exchange student means spending a semester at one of LUSEM's partner universities. Spare exchange seats for Bachelor's students We still have exchange seats left for Bachelor's students! Click on the link below to see the list of available exchange seats for 2025/2026. How to know where you can go:Not all universities are availa - 2025-02-12

Requirements for exchange studies

For LUSEM students To go on an exchange you must meet certain requirements, both to apply and to be able to go. Read the following information carefully, hopefully it will answer most of your questions. Exchange studies within a Bachelor’s programmeGeneral requirements When do I apply?Requirements for going on exchangeLanguage requirementsCourse selectionProgramme-specific requirementsExchange wit - 2025-02-12

Tuition-based mobility for LUSEM students

Stanford University I Berkeley University Want to study abroad as a fee-paying student at Stanford or UC Berkeley? Don’t miss this opportunity for full-time students at Lund University School of Economics and Management. Stanford UniversityStanford University's International Honors Program (IHP).Eight-week summer programme (June–August).Lund University School of Economics and Management is their o - 2025-02-12

International Master class for LUSEM master students

International Master Class is an opportunity to add a further global aspect to your education, after completing your Master's degree at LUSEM. What is an International Master Class?An International Master Class is a highly competitive opportunity to go on an exchange semester after finishing your Master's studies at LUSEM.The courses you take on your exchange will not be included in your Master's - 2025-02-12

Double degree programmes for LUSEM master students

Lund University School of Economics and Management has joined forces with some of the best business schools to offer three double degree programmes. Melbourne, Australia A double degree programme means that you will spend one semester or one year abroad, and obtain a Master’s degree from both Lund University and from the partner university. In addition to a valuable international experience, this - 2025-02-12